Specialised in their nature, SBCF services have a single objective: the display of artworks in the protected, stabilised and aesthetic setting that finishes the offered object.
Design expertise, science-backed techniques, museum-grade materials and products sourced from proven local and international manufacturers all make their individual contributions to the final outcome: a painting, an etching, a lithograph, a photograph, a bark painting or three-dimensional object resting in discreet harmony within the support and setting that underscore the work’s defining attributes – whether vigour or subtlety, lustre or ruggedness – with equal adroitness.
Conservation Framing
What does conservation framing offer that ordinary framing does not? There is a world of difference between the two.
We’ve said it earlier: artworks come in all manner of conditions: while some of them are pristine, many are in need of attention if they are not to continue on the path to deterioration.
No one work is exactly like another. Consultations between the client and SBCF are the essential first step to a successful collaboration.